18 September 2011

Cleaning Up Links: Add Yours Today!

I've spent this morning cleaning up links on the Votebooth, Pagan Links, and Other Links pages. Some websites changed their URLs and others are simply no more. Also, when you click on external links on any of these three pages the link will open in another window. So now you won't have to worry about the frustration of trying to get back to our site. If you want your website added to any of the Links pages, check out the Link Exchange Information page to learn how.

I cleaned up the links on the Guests' Links page too. Most of those links are gone now as the sites are no longer there. I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone who would like a link added to check by this page. Unlike the other links pages, the sites you add do not have to be yours. Also, they do not have to be Pagan related or provide a link back to our site. It's simply a list of websites owned or recommended by any and all who stop by the site. Please go to the Add a Link page to add a link today!


15 September 2011

New Link & Book Review

I've added a new Pagan Link to Pagan author/screenwriter and friend Scott Harper's website. Be sure to stop by his site and check out all the awesome work he's done!

A new book review is up for Ursula James' The Source. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one and would recommend it to anyone. Be sure to check out the Book Reviews page for my full review!

You'll be seeing more updates at the site and forums over the coming months. Be sure to check back here regularly as the updates are made. ;)


10 September 2011

The Newsletter is Returning!

I've been updating information and sending out emails all afternoon! After a long hiatus, the newsletter is finally returning for the Yule issue this year! The deadline for submissions is Thursday, December 1st, 2011. Send in submissions to newsletter@moonlightmessages.com today! For sign-up and more information about the newsletter and the upcoming issue, please see the Newsletter page.

A couple important changes to note:

The email address associated with the newsletter has changed! The evylyn_rose@yahoo.com account will be closed at the end of this month. For any and all correspondence relating the newsletter, please update your address books with newsletter@moonlightmessages.com

The URL for the archive has also changed. YMLP has changed the automated archive page. You can now find the MIM Newsletter Archive at http://ymlp.com/archive_ghqmmqgjge.php

I can't wait to get the newsletter back into full swing!
