19 December 2011

New Random Rambling

I've added a new rant to the Random Ramblings page. Because of Wiccan's Rede of "Harm None," questions about whether or a not a Wiccan should be vegetarian come up frequently. The rant "Vegetarian Wiccans" is one Vegan Wiccan's response. Hope you enjoy!


17 December 2011

Winter Solstice Issue Is Out!

The new issue of the newsletter was sent out today. Be sure to check your inbox! If you aren't already on the list, be sure to sign-up to avoid missing out on the next issue due just before the spring equinox. Also, we are now accepting issues for the next issue! The theme will be "Healing Through Cleaning." Be sure to check out the newsletter page at the site for more information.


Guest Input for Polls

It was brought to my attention this morning that visitors cannot vote in the site update poll and forum update poll. True, only members of the forums can vote on the poll options. However, the polls are posted in the General board where guests can post. In other words, if you are a guest to the forums and do not wish to sign up to be a member but would like to add your input, please do so by replying to the poll threads. As a guest, you can remain anonymous if you so desire. Please let me know if you run across any other problems!


14 December 2011

A Little Organization Goes A Long Way

As suggested by a member of the forums in the site update poll, I've reorganized two of the longer pages. The Book Reviews page now separates into five pages by book author last names: A-B, C, D-H, I-R, and S-Z. Some of these pages already look pretty full (C has a page of its own because it has 15 reviews already). Others are a little sparse (A-B only has 3 reviews currently). Over time, these pages will fill more and some shuffling may go on. For the time being, however, this breakdown will stay in place. The main page of the Book Reviews page will continue to include what I'm currently reading, why I don't list Silver Ravenwolf books that I have read, and those books that I will more than likely never finish.

The Random Ramblings page was a little more difficult to consider a method of breaking down into parts. Because they are, by their very nature, random, it's hard to decide categories. Instead, I've merely created a sublink list to each rambling near the top. Simply click on the link and it will take you to that part of the page.

Let me know what you think of the changes! If there's any other pages that could benefit from reorganizing, let me know here or stop by the site update poll and add your voice!


News Feed is Back!

Not long after the polls for site and forum updates were opened, a member of the forums pointed out that our news feed on the site for Pagan news had not updated since 2008. Since old news isn't news ("new" is the key part of the term), I took the page down until a more suitable news feed could be found. The Wild Hunt blog is a popular avenue for up-to-date Pagan news. With a dedication to honest journalism, the articles on this blog can be trusted for accuracy and will be around for quite some time. The Pagan News Feed on the site will now feature The Wild Hunt blog feed.


13 December 2011

Two New Book Reviews

I've added two more reviews to the Pagan Book Reviews page. I have finally completed the year and a day study of Penzack's Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft. Definitely an awesome book for anyone past witchcraft 101. Dugan's Practical Protection Magick was an awesome read full of information on this often neglected topic. It's great for any magickal practitioner or anyone sensitive to energy and magick. Be sure to check out the Book Reviews page for the full reviews!


11 December 2011

Moderator Positions Now Open

With the boards reorganized at the forums, it's time to get some mods assigned to each of them. We currently have 20 boards (including sub-boards) without assigned moderators. If you are interested in moderating a board, let me know! Check out the new thread at the forums for more detailed information on duties, expectations, and how to apply.


New Webrings

I created two new webrings today. The first is the Interfaith Ring. This ring is for websites promoting or in support of positive interfaith relations. Websites do not have to be specifically about interfaith relations so long as they are religious or spiritual in nature and do not preach against or promote negativity toward other faiths.

The other new webring is the Pagan Writers ring. This one is for writers of all kinds (fiction, non-fiction, novels, poetry, blogs, articles, etc.). If you are a writer, have a website or blog, and are proud to be Pagan, this is the ring for you.

If you have a site that fits either of these new rings, feel free to sign up today! You can check out my other webrings at the Webrings page.


New Boards & Shuffling of Threads

Before setting up to recruit new mods for the boards, I thought it best to do some rearranging first to avoid extra confusion later. The forums have gone through a little change. Previously, I had moved the Fun & Games board to become a sub-board in the Entertainment board, the Rants board is now a sub-board of the General board, and the Politics board has been modified to News and Politics.

Today, there has been a complete revision to the Wicca, Witchcraft, & Paganism category. The old Wicca, Witchcraft, & Paganism board has been split into three separate boards for each topic. The Sabbats & Esbats board is now a sub-board for the Wicca board. The Ritual & Magick and Herbs boards are now sub-boards for the Witchcraft board. The Gods & Goddesses board is now a sub-board for the Paganism board. Finally, the Et Cetera board has been modified to the Metaphysical board to discuss non-Pagan-specific metaphysical topics. You'll notice that many of the threads in this category have moved to reflect the additions and modifications.

I hope you enjoy all the new changes! Please be sure to leave feedback, comments, and concerns! Information about modding opportunities will be made available soon.


01 December 2011

Updates & Calling All Artists!

Be sure to stop by the forums and check out the Rules board. I've updated wording in every thread. This should help bring some clarity to the rules, the purpose of the forums, and relieve any anxiety over breaking any rules (especially the one about double posting!). Remember the rules are more like guidelines to keep everything friendly and fun. :)

I added two new themes (skins) to the forums: Red and Purple. You can access them by modifying your profile. They look... plain right now. Which is why I am asking for some volunteers to help spruce up these and future themes with images! Without the awesome software I once had and the loss of skills from half a decade of only minimal photo editing, the time, resources, and skills to provide the images you all deserve is just out of my grip. Also (and most importantly ;) ) I love the idea of community efforts.

If you have a skill for creating images and making things beautiful and attractive, let me know! Even if you are only starting or simply want to try your hand at creating graphics (buttons, banners, logos, gradients, etc.), don't hesitate to contact me. You will receive full credit for your efforts and creations. If you have a website, I can list it or just your contact information on the site to get you more visibility. If you should need any sort of recommendation for any future endeavors, I write some awesome letters. ;)


Newsletter Submissions Due Today

Just a quick reminder that submissions for the next issue of the newsletter are due today. Be sure to send yours in to newsletter@moonlightmessages.com today! If you need more information, please check out the Newsletter page.

I will be playing around with templates on the forums today, so if anything looks out of place, I promise you it is temporary and I am working on it. Thanks for your patience!
