21 August 2012

Updated Page: Mythological History

The History of Wicca: A Mythological Understanding page at the site has been updated. Back in 2005, when I first wrote this page, I drew from Starhawk's The Spiral Dance. This page still draws from that source; however, I completely rewrote the page. Please be sure to check out the updates!

At the time that I initially wrote this page, I stayed so true to the source that there were a couple sections that matched practically word-for-word. This realization came to me just today during a Copyscape check. As I am extremely against plagiarism, I immediately set to work rewriting the page. It has been simplified to some extent, but still covers the major points. In doing so, it actually opens the page up to being more inclusive of the variations of the myth that can be found in other sources.

Despite the fact that this error was not recognized by anyone besides myself (at least, to my knowledge) I would like to send my deepest apologies to Starhawk and anyone who has visited this page for the oversight.  If any other pages on the site are found to be of the same nature, please know that they will be fixed immediately as they are identified.


18 August 2012

A Second New Mod!

New member, Lady Annwynn, is now the Entertainment board moderator for the forums.  Please be sure to stop by to learn more about and congratulate her on her new position!


15 August 2012

New Mod at the Forums!

We have a new moderator at the forums. Elwin will now be heading up the General board. Be sure to stop by and congratulate him on his new position!

Evylyn Rose