28 October 2011

Maintenance Complete & Feedback

The maintenance at the site is now complete! Ended up taking a lot longer than anticipated once I decided to clean up some of the HTML tags and spelling while I was at it. Everything should be back in good order. If you come across any broken images or links (or if anything else looks out of place) be sure to let me know so I can fix it right away!

Also, I thought I'd take the time to get some feedback on the site. The current layout and theme has been in place for six years. I'm considering giving the site a new face-lift. Personally, I like the current style (meaning I would simply have a new theme with the same navigation and layout in place). However, this site is not just about me! I would love to hear input from others so that I can look into other options for a future aesthetic change. Be sure to reply here, at the forums, or send me an email! I'd love to hear from all of you!


Updates - Website May Look Messy

I'll be shifting around some files on the site today. This is mostly for the purpose of better organization as well as to make the precess easier the next time the site goes through a face-lift. As such, the website will look kind of "ick" during this phase. What I mean by this is that images may temporarily not load making the site not so pretty until everything is shifted. This could take up to a couple hours or more, so please bear with me!


25 October 2011

New Chat Schedule & Calendar Dates

The current chat schedule consists of Wednesday evenings from 6pm to 8pm MST. Please join us in the chat during this time-frame! If you would like to see more flexibility and options in the chat, please add your input to the chat schedule poll!

The forum calendar has finally been updated! The calendar used to be regularly updated from 2003 to 2008. After a three year gap, the calendar will not accurately reflect dates for the Sabbats, Esbats, members' birthdays (automatically added), Newsletter Submission reminders, the chat schedule, and Clean-Up reminders. You'll also be happy to know that when you click on "view all events" that you will no longer see every single event ever added. I've deleted all past events starting in 2003 and will continue to do so as time passes or until the feature allows options to view only upcoming events. The Sabbats and Esbats for the remainder of 2011 and 2012 have been added as well as the upcoming newsletter submission deadline and the chat schedule through to the end of November (changes pending additional input). All events for the current month appear in the Info center on the main page of the forum.


18 October 2011

Clean-Up Over & Chat Schedule in the Works

The Clean-Up at the forums is now complete. All 41 accounts who did not respond were deleted tonight. If anyone who did not respond to this or a past clean-up meant to respond, you are always welcome to rejoin!

I'll be announcing a new chat schedule for the chat room. At this point in time, we have not had much input for the chat schedule so we'll be starting with only one or maybe two nights a week. If you have any preferences for days, topics, or any other suggestions or comments be sure to respond to the chat schedule poll! Once the schedule is complete you will find the chats listed on the forum calendar.


03 October 2011

Clean Up at the Forums!

We're having a clean-up at the forums. For current members be sure to respond to the email that was sent out or the Clean-Up Thread at the forums by October 17th. Any members who do not respond by the deadline will have their accounts deleted!

If you are not a current member, stop by the forums and sign-up today! If you are a past member (or miss the current clean-up deadline) you are always welcome to join again.

Hope to hear from you all!


02 October 2011

New Page: Study Checklist

As promised in the forums, I have created a page that serves as a sort of checklist for those who are studying Wicca. Although I personally recommend enrolling in a First Degree training, sometimes this just isn't practical for various reasons. As such, the checklist is more of guideline breaking down into several main categories of research. Each category then supplies a list of subtopics as starting points to individual study. It's not an end-all-be-all sort of list and are suggestions only. Be sure to check out the Study Checklist page to see for yourself!
