23 July 2012

Please Support Theater Massacre Victims

On the main page of the site, you will notice that I have added a message about Caleb Medley and his wife, Katie. They are dear friends of my friends and co-workers. Caleb, Katie, and Ashley were in the nearest rows when the shooting started during the theater massacre in Aurora, Colorado during "The Dark Knight Rises" screening. Katie is in induced labor and Caleb is in critical condition. He is expected to be in the ICU for at least one to two weeks and will have several surgeries. The family does not have insurance and will be financially burdened during this tragic and difficult time.

Please do what you can to help Caleb, Katie, and their new child being born into this world. Please see the Support Caleb facebook page and CalebMedley.com. If you cannot donate money, please, please, please send healing energy and positive, loving thoughts and prayers their way. If nothing else, please just pass this information along so that those who can and want to help can do so.

Thank you, everyone.


05 July 2012

New Link to An Awesome Metaphysical Store

I've added a new link to the Pagan Links page at the site. I don't always post updates when a new link is added, but as a way of lending a helping hand, I felt this was a much needed exception. Source Healers is a metaphysical/wellness shop in Fountain, Colorado. They offer magickal products, workshops and classes, and services ranging from massage to readings to energy healing. As a result of limited spacing, they do not carry a large selection of books, but will readily special order available titles on request. Definitely check out their website and Facebook page for more information!

For anyone currently or previously living in the Colorado Springs area, you know that metaphysical stores generally don't open up anywhere but on the northwest (Old Colorado City and Manitou Springs) side of town. Potential business owners are generally too timid to open or stay open on the southeast side. Okay, perhaps "timid" is not the best word for it. However, there's certainly not a lot of people willing to even consider the risks because of rumors of an overly conservative, anti-Pagan community.

Source Healers has been open for several months on this side of town and, living only blocks away, I can readily say there have been no major public outcries, protests, or hate-mongering as so many in the local Pagan community claim goes on in this area. So now that we know it can be done, let's support this local shop and keep it in business for many years to come!
