26 September 2013

Pages Combined (Prep for New Layout)

For those who may have missed the message regarding why I am not (currently) active at the forums, I am putting more time and energy into the site. The first phase of which involves designing a new layout for the site. Although it's certainly not anything particularly fancy, it does provide a more modernized look and navigation. (Don't get me wrong, I still absolutely love the template that's been in place since 2005. It's just that it's a style that is now considered confusing navigation-wise and obsolete in the internet world that has changed so drastically since then.) With the new layout complete, I'm getting everything prepped for implementation.

To start, I've combined some pages to avoid confusion and make navigation easier for the new layout. The changes you can see now are listed below.

I will also be combining the various Links pages into one. In doing so, I plan to provide a smoother look rather than the current unorganized text and banner look.

So long as everything goes according to schedule, the site will be going down on October 18th as I implement the new layout and will come back up within a few hours of the same day. I will keep you posted!


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