19 December 2013

More Updated Pages

Three more pages have been updated today. First, the Pentacles page may have been improved considerably with the update in 2010, but, let's face it, it was not my best. Although still a basic discussion of the symbolism and usage of pentacles, this page covers more than it did before.

The Music Magick page is significantly improved. Previously, it was just a short paragraph about use of music in magick and then went into magickal correspondences of instrument types that is adapted from Scott Cunningham's work. Although those correspondences are still in place, the page now features a short discussion on why/how music can benefit magickal practices, preferences of Wiccans and other Witches, and some examples.

Finally, I've cleaned up some of the wordage and added an extra tip to Advice for Beginners. When I was looking over it during the layout change, I noticed that some of my phrasing three years ago came off a bit harsh to beginners. Granted, part of the inspiration to finally write the piece came out of a moment of annoyance and frustration, but that does not excuse some of the occasional harsh ways of putting things. I also added a little tip about how spirituality evolves at the end as it was something important I felt was missing before.

More updates and additions to come!


03 December 2013

Update & New Pages

Three more of previously written hubs have been moved to the site. You can now read Remembering Your Personal Power, Bigotry and Religion: Misunderstanding Respect of Individual Beliefs, and Examining the All Gods Are One God Debate in the Articles section of the site.

I have also updated the Elements page by expanding a bit and adding a brief discussion on directional/quarter placement of the Elements in ritual circles.

More updates and changes are coming, so be sure to stay up-to-date by checking in at the site main page or here at the Updates Blog.


02 December 2013

Updated Rede Page and Two New Pages

As promised, the Rede page has now been updated with a deeper discussion concerning the Wiccan Rede. Be sure to check it out!

Also, I have moved two more of my articles from HubPages to the site. The site now features the articles Reasons to Research Your Faith's History and False Superstars: Remembering the Real Heroes of Your Faith in the Articles section.

Over the next couple months, there will be more updates and articles moved from HubPages on the site. Be sure to stop at the site or this blog for details.

I am also going through and contacting other webmasters and bloggers with information regarding URL changes from the recent layout change. If you have linked to any pages on the site and the URLs have changed, I will be trying to reach out to you to make your life a little easier in finding the pages you've linked to in the past.
