19 December 2013

More Updated Pages

Three more pages have been updated today. First, the Pentacles page may have been improved considerably with the update in 2010, but, let's face it, it was not my best. Although still a basic discussion of the symbolism and usage of pentacles, this page covers more than it did before.

The Music Magick page is significantly improved. Previously, it was just a short paragraph about use of music in magick and then went into magickal correspondences of instrument types that is adapted from Scott Cunningham's work. Although those correspondences are still in place, the page now features a short discussion on why/how music can benefit magickal practices, preferences of Wiccans and other Witches, and some examples.

Finally, I've cleaned up some of the wordage and added an extra tip to Advice for Beginners. When I was looking over it during the layout change, I noticed that some of my phrasing three years ago came off a bit harsh to beginners. Granted, part of the inspiration to finally write the piece came out of a moment of annoyance and frustration, but that does not excuse some of the occasional harsh ways of putting things. I also added a little tip about how spirituality evolves at the end as it was something important I felt was missing before.

More updates and additions to come!


03 December 2013

Update & New Pages

Three more of previously written hubs have been moved to the site. You can now read Remembering Your Personal Power, Bigotry and Religion: Misunderstanding Respect of Individual Beliefs, and Examining the All Gods Are One God Debate in the Articles section of the site.

I have also updated the Elements page by expanding a bit and adding a brief discussion on directional/quarter placement of the Elements in ritual circles.

More updates and changes are coming, so be sure to stay up-to-date by checking in at the site main page or here at the Updates Blog.


02 December 2013

Updated Rede Page and Two New Pages

As promised, the Rede page has now been updated with a deeper discussion concerning the Wiccan Rede. Be sure to check it out!

Also, I have moved two more of my articles from HubPages to the site. The site now features the articles Reasons to Research Your Faith's History and False Superstars: Remembering the Real Heroes of Your Faith in the Articles section.

Over the next couple months, there will be more updates and articles moved from HubPages on the site. Be sure to stop at the site or this blog for details.

I am also going through and contacting other webmasters and bloggers with information regarding URL changes from the recent layout change. If you have linked to any pages on the site and the URLs have changed, I will be trying to reach out to you to make your life a little easier in finding the pages you've linked to in the past.


04 November 2013

Site is Back Up: New Layout

The new layout is now implemented into the site and it is back up and running. Be sure to check it out!

I'll be going through looking for any glitches or broken links. If you find any problems, please report them here or send me an email.

Over the next few months, I'll be updating some of the pages at the site as the next phase of the over-haul. So don't forget to check back.


Site is Down

The site is down for the transition to the new layout. This will last for only a few hours. Please be sure to check back for the update announcing when the site is back up.


29 October 2013

Site Going Down November 4th

The site will be going down for a few hours on Monday, November 4th. I'll be implementing the new layout during that time. A health concern and few other issues delayed the process, but everything is now back on track!


27 September 2013

Link Pages Combined

As mentioned yesterday, I've re-done the links pages (Pagan Links, Other Links, and Link Exchange Information) and combined them into one. They are all text links now (no more banners of various sizes!) and organized into categories. If the new Links page (found at the old URL linkspage.html) looks a little funny, please be patient. The new layout will improve the look and make searching smoother.


26 September 2013

Pages Combined (Prep for New Layout)

For those who may have missed the message regarding why I am not (currently) active at the forums, I am putting more time and energy into the site. The first phase of which involves designing a new layout for the site. Although it's certainly not anything particularly fancy, it does provide a more modernized look and navigation. (Don't get me wrong, I still absolutely love the template that's been in place since 2005. It's just that it's a style that is now considered confusing navigation-wise and obsolete in the internet world that has changed so drastically since then.) With the new layout complete, I'm getting everything prepped for implementation.

To start, I've combined some pages to avoid confusion and make navigation easier for the new layout. The changes you can see now are listed below.

I will also be combining the various Links pages into one. In doing so, I plan to provide a smoother look rather than the current unorganized text and banner look.

So long as everything goes according to schedule, the site will be going down on October 18th as I implement the new layout and will come back up within a few hours of the same day. I will keep you posted!


01 April 2013

Messages in the Moonlight Turns 10!!!

The site began in April 2003. In celebration of our first decade online, we are throwing a party at the forums. Come stop by the Official Party Thread and join in the fun and surprises as we honor this milestone achievement. All are welcome so dive right in and bring some friends!


24 February 2013

Announcing New Search Engine on Site!

Previously, the site used freefind as an in-site search engine. We now have a new search feature on the site run by Google that provides results not only for the site but also for the forums! The site and forums are part of one big Messages in the Moonlight family. Sometimes, conversations and posts at the forums provides so much information that pages on certain topic areas do not get added to the site. Thus, if you don't find it on the site, you are likely to find it at the forums and vice versa.

So when you are having trouble finding what you are looking for on the site, check out the Sitemap & Search Engine page and try out the search engine tool for site and forums results.


17 February 2013

Completed Book Reviews

The book review for In the Shadow of 13 Moons by Sherman-Cook is finally completed after over a year of working through the Dark Moon rituals and can be found on Book Reviews S-Z page. Also on this page, you will find new reviews for Tess Whitehurst's Magical Housekeeping and Dick Sutphen and Lauren Leigh Taylor's Past-Life Therapy In Action.

On the Book Reviews I-R page, you will find new reviews for You're Not Going Crazy... You're Just Waking Up! by Michael Mirdad and The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price.

You can also check out my review so far under the Currently Reading section of the main Book Reviews page for The Witches' Book of the Dead by Christian Day. I have other book reviews in the works, so be sure to check back for more!
